
Showing posts from April, 2022



Our Final Movie

This is my group Final movie. It was hard for us to get all of work done in time since all three of us are in after school activities. Nevertheless, we are proud of our outcome

Story board

 First box: This is our opening scene. It starts off with a view of Parker’s Automotive shop placing us in our main setting. The title of our movie fades in and out in this first scene. Second box: Our next scene shows Jayden, one of our main characters, pulling up to the shop in his car. Third box: This scene introduced our other main character, Treneé our mechanic, working on a car in the shop.  Fourth box: Jayden walks up to Treneé talking to her about his car. He explains that he is having some problems with his car lately. Fifth box: We cut scene to Treneé behind a desk typing in her computer while, Jayden is telling her about his car.  Sixth box: Jayden is seen following Treneé back outside to his car. Seventh box: Jayden and Treneé reach the car. This scene Treneé text her brother Tristan to finish the previous car she was working on. Eighth box: Dialogue is exchanged between Treneé and Jayden. In this dialogue Jayden asked why a woman is working on his car but, Treneé just simp